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Journal of Chromatography A
Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 749, Issues 1-2,
Pages 1-303 (18 October 1996)

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Miscellaneous Item, Pages 3-4

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Artificial neural networks aided deconvolving overlapped peaks in chromatograms, Pages 5-11
Miao Huajian, Yu Menghuai and Hu Shangxu
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (350 K)

Immobilized liposome chromatography of drugs on capillary continuous beds for model analysis of drug-membrane interactions, Pages 13-18
Zhang Yanxiao, Zeng Cheng-Ming, Li Yi-Ming, Stellan Hjertén and Per Lundahl
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (347 K)

On the relevance of face-to-edge - interactions to chiral recognition, Pages 19-24
William H. Pirkle and Liu Yuelong
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (246 K)

Enantioseparation in the synthesis of myo-inositol phosphates by high-performance liquid chromatography using a -cyclodextrin-bonded column, Pages 25-32
Anne Burmester and Bernd Jastorff
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (374 K)

Isolation of dinophysistoxin-2 and the high-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of diarrhetic shellfish toxins using derivatisation with 1-bromoacetylpyrene, Pages 33-40
Seá S. Kelly, Alan G. Bishop, Eoin P. Carmody and Kevin J. James
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (448 K)

Rapid method for the determination of the substitution pattern of O-methylated 1,4-glucans by high-pH anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection, Pages 41-45
Jürgen Heinrich and Petra Mischnick
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (248 K)

Mechanistic aspects of fatty acid retention in silver ion chromatography, Pages 47-54
Boryana Nikolova-Damyanova, William W. Christie and Bengt Herslöf
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (472 K)

Rapid, quantitative determination of polar compounds in fats and oils by solid-phase extraction and size-exclusion chromatography using monostearin as internal standard, Pages 55-60
G. Márquez-Ruiz, N. Jorge, M. Martín-Polvillo and M. C. Dobarganes
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (375 K)

Resolution of enantiomeric steroids by high-performance liquid chromatography on chiral stationary phases, Pages 61-68
Matthias Kummer, H. -J. Palme and G. Werner
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (369 K)

Thiol pegylation facilitates purification of chymopapain leading to diffraction studies at 1.4 å resolution, Pages 69-72
Mohamed Azarkan, Dominique Maes, Julie Bouckaert, Minh-Hoa Dao Thi, Lode Wyns and Yvan Looze
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (273 K)

Integrated derivatization-chemiluminescence detection system for the determination of -carboline alkaloids by high-performance liquid chromatography, Pages 73-80
Juana Cepas, Manuel Silva and Dolores Pérez-Bendito
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (473 K)

Liquid chromatographic method for the determination of nicotine in pharmaceutical formulations, Pages 81-85
Alekha K. Dash and Wong Siew-Tiing
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (244 K)

Separation of zinc dialkyldithiophosphates in lubricating oil additives by normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, Pages 87-94
N. Lambropoulos, T. J. Cardwell, D. Caridi and P. J. Marriott
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (430 K)

High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of 2-furaldehyde and 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde in honey, Pages 95-102
Filippo Lo Coco, Clemente Valentini, Veronica Novelli and Luciano Ceccon
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (417 K)

Determination of trace levels of thorium(IV) and uranyl by reversed-phase chromatography with on-line preconcentration and ligand exchange, Pages 103-113
Hao Fuping, Brett Paull and Paul R. Haddad
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (676 K)

Ion chromatographic separation of selenite and selenate using a polyanionic eluent, Pages 115-122
Pavel Jano and Peter Aczel
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (418 K)

New method for estimating vapor pressure by the use of gas chromatography, Pages 123-129
Stephen F. Donovan
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (363 K)

Relative responses of various classes of compounds using a pulsed discharge helium photoionization detector; Experimental determination and theoretical calculations, Pages 131-148
Sanford Mendonca, W. E. Wentworth, E. C. M. Chen and Stanley D. Stearns
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (854 K)

Experimental and theoretical relative response factors for a pulsed discharge krypton photoionization detector, Pages 149-155
W. E. Wentworth, Sarasak Watanesk, Nadege Helias, Robert Swatloski, C. M. Chen E. and Stanley D. Stearns
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (392 K)

Optimization of solid-phase extraction method for analysis of low-ppb amounts of aldehydes-ozonation by-products, Pages 157-163
Jacek Nawrocki, Iwona Kalkowska and Agata Dbrowska
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (306 K)

Simultaneous determination of chlorophenols, chlorobenzenes and chlorobenzoates in microbial solutions using pentafluorobenzylbromide derivatization and analysis by gas chromatography with electron-capture detection, Pages 165-171
Candace Louise Gabelish, Phillip Crisp and René Peter Schneider
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (372 K)

Lesser alkaloids of cocaine-bearing plants II. 3-Oxo-substituted tropane esters: detection and mass spectral characterization of minor alkaloids found in South American Erythroxylum coca var. coca, Pages 173-180
John F. Casale and James M. Moore
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (367 K)

Screening method for the determination of 28 volatile organic compounds in indoor and outdoor air at environmental concentrations using dual-column capillary gas chromatography with tandem electron-capture-flame ionization detection, Pages 181-191
J. Begerow, E. Jermann, T. Keles, T. Koch and L. Dunemann
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (532 K)

Packed-column supercritical fluid chromatography of a new dihydropyridine drug based on direct injection of emulsion samples, Pages 193-199
Lars Karlsson, Olle Gyllenhaal, Anders Karlsson and Johan Gottfries
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (402 K)

Solute effects on reversed-phase thin-layer chromatography A linear free energy relationship analysis, Pages 201-209
Michael H. Abraham, Colin F. Poole and Salwa K. Poole
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (464 K)

Novel computational methods for the determination of partition coefficients by planar chromatography, Pages 211-217
Robert M. Kleyle, David Nurok, Aaron D. Kossoy and Stuart C. Burris
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (366 K)

On-line partial filling micellar electrokinetic chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, Pages 219-226
Wendy M. Nelson, Tang Qing, A. Kamel Harrata and S. Lee Cheng
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (377 K)

Separation of structural homologues of alkylphenols and isomers of 4-nonylphenol by cyclodextrin-modified micellar electrokinetic chromatography, Pages 227-236
He Yan and Kee Lee Hian
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (508 K)

Capillary electrophoretic examination of underivatized oligosaccharide mixtures released from immunoglobulin G antibodies and CTLA4Ig fusion protein, Pages 237-245
Kimberly F. Greve, David Emlyn Hughes and Barry L. Karger
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (477 K)

Separation of pharmaceutically important estrogens by micellar electrokinetic chromatography, Pages 247-255
Salwa K. Poole and Colin F. Poole
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (531 K)

Utilization of n-alkyl---glucopyranosides in enantiomeric separation by micellar electrokinetic chromatography, Pages 257-269
P. L. Desbène and C. E. Fulchic
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (768 K)

Separation of toxic peptides (microcystins) in capillary electrophoresis, with the aid of organic mobile phase modifiers, Pages 271-277
Nonye Onyewuenyi and Peter Hawkins
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (365 K)

Control of separation selectivity and electroosmotic flow in nonaqueous capillary electrophoretic separations of alkali and alkaline earth metal ions, Pages 279-286
Hossein Salimi-Moosavi and R. M. Cassidy
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (497 K)

More sensitive way to determine iron using an iron(II)-1,10-phenanthroline complex and capillary electrophoresis, Pages 287-294
Xu Jie, Che Ping and Ma Yinfa
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (463 K)

Simultaneous analysis of individual catechins and caffeine in green tea, Pages 295-299
Tetsuhisa Goto, Yuko Yoshida, Masaaki Kiso and Hitoshi Nagashima
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (242 K)

Cyclodextrins as buffer additives for the enantiomeric separation of pinacidil in capillary zone electrophoresis, Pages 300-303
Wang Zhi, Huang Aijin, Sun Yiliang and Sun Zengpei
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (204 K)


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